
Sea Turtles and Career Satisfaction

What do sea turtles and careers have to do with one another? Here’s a sea turtle whose career very well illustrates the path of work and life change on the journey to satisfaction and fulfillment.

Yoshi’s Story

I’m talking about Yoshi.  If you don’t know her, she is a 25 year old loggerhead turtle. In 1997, she was rescued from the ocean by some Japanese fishers as a small juvenile with a noticeable injury to one side of her shell.

The fishers took her to the Two Oceans Aquarium in Capetown, South Africa, where she was cared for – but in captivity for 20 years. There she grew to 180 kilograms (nearly 400 pounds), and was named “Queen of the Exhibit.” Aquarium recognized her maturity (in turtle terms, this means her breeding instincts started to kick in). So, after 18 months of training and preparation, they released her to the vast ocean.

The next 18 months were spent preparing her for life back in the ocean, which included daily exercise to increase her fitness levels. Since she was released in 2017, she has traveled more than 3700 kilometers (nearly 12,000 miles) – the longest-ever recorded journey of any tracked animal ever – outdoing any bird, fish or mammal ever recorded. They believe she has finally returned to her natal beach in Australia  to lay eggs of her own…

Your Story

What does this mean for your life and career path? Well there are analogies a’plenty:

  1. We often face challenges, even formidable odds, when we are young. With the right care and attention, we can overcome them – but sometimes we end up where we shouldn’t or don’t want to be. (We can change that).
  2. At some point in mid-career, like Yoshi we reach “maturity” and recognize it’s time to change things. We realize there is more for us to do.
  3. After that meant-for-more realization, we may need to prepare for that change in direction – the right resources, process, trainers and guides may make all the difference in the outcome.
  4. When we start on that journey to something else, we may not know exactly where we’re going. But when we arrive, we get to do the work that was meant for us to do – that will ultimately be most satisfying and will fulfill our “what we’re here for” potential.
  5. The journey involved in making that change will involve a lot of living along the way – hopefully filled with great adventures.

The Masterful Life Redesign Story

This story illustrates the “why” behind the Masterful Life Redesign process. It starts with all important self-reflection and assessment, using tools that help with that discovery. This supports the best fit.

There are activities to help you define and design where you want to go next, and to make appropriate preparations to leave where you are.

During the process, it is important to consider all aspects of life that create satisfaction. Research tells us there are 8 key areas – and many aspects in each that we each get to decide about for our “ideal scene.” That helps create an exceptional life, of which career and work are important, but only a part of the story.

There can be challenges and confusion and obstacles getting where we think we want to go – and there may need to be course corrections and new routing decisions along the way. Really helpful to have tools to prevent getting knocked off track, slowed down or stopped. Otherwise, you may give up and never get there.

A guide and mentor who has made a similar journey can be invaluable to help save you time and your sanity, especially when decisions and directions need to be clarified – and hurdles overcome!

When you get there, there will be more to do – and more life and work journeys ahead. It is helpful to have all the tools so the process of evolving into ever more satisfying situations continue throughout the span of life ahead.

That’s why I do what I do – because I truly enjoy being the Sherpa to your successful career and life journey.

If you’re ready to make a change – or even better, just starting to think about it – I would be pleased to hear more about it. And help if I can! (More below – do make contact!)

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