
Life in the New Normal

Fast forward to something new… All over the planet, humanity is being called to question life as we know it – or knew it… Before, I get into thoughts about that “new normal” I just want to remind you that the past is past – we should learn from it, but that’s where we should leave it. The future, whatever that will be, is not here yet.

What we have now is the “precious present.” For right now, this minute, I want to encourage you to take a deep cleansing breath – breath is life after all – and briefly look at your feet.

There you are.

The Power in the Present

Right here, right now, right where your feet are. And in this moment you are fine. If you want to be even better, stand up and widen your stance, put your hands on your hips, look up and smile. It can be a fake smile – your body doesn’t know the difference.

But if you do that, your body will respond with a cascade of feel good chemicals, that will relax you and calm any anxiety. Because while the past can be troubling, and the future – especially now – can be anxiety provoking, right now you are fine, and you can improve how you feel in the moment, no matter what. This is called a power pose, or a Superhero Pose. You have full permission (and encouragement) to adopt it and use it as often as possible.

I wanted to bring you something valuable – now, and for the future. Something that would benefit you, and be of service.

So here it is – followed by some tips I put together to weather this unprecedented period called COVID-19. Weather it we will, eventually. But because of the disruption it has caused, life may look very different afterward. AND we have the opportunity to choose and act on what we want that to be.

Because the question is, what do we really want life to look like afterward? What do YOU really want for tomorrow and the next day and the years ahead?

What I Want For You

Above all – and this distills the essence of everything I have done in my career – I want you to have a life full of what means most to you. That has been my focus working as nurse, even as a lawyer, and now as a professional coach.

That includes (consider what this looks like for you):

  • Great health (first and foremost, and particularly now to stay well)
  • Productive work that feels like a real contribution – and that doesn’t harm you in the process, that gives you a sense of pride and joy
  • Vibrant love-filled relationships at all levels of your involvements – partnership/marriage, family, in groups, your community, everywhere you go
  • Fulfillment of all your deepest interests, adventures and experiences that fill your soul
  • Resilience to weather the obstacles that will show up – this is not an “if” but a “when” phenomenon
  • Energy – and enthusiasm – to do what’s needed, and enrich yourself in the process, not only financially, but in all the ways important to you
  • Confidence to be who you are and use what you know to lead and positively impact others at whatever level you choose, personally, family, community, global…
  • Consciously create your legacy because it is born from all of the above

Maybe the biggest part of this is to recognize: you deserve all of that and more – however YOU define it.

Because you are a unique being in all this universe with more potential to choose and create your experience of life than you may even realize. I do. I’ve seen it over and over.

The New Normal

I wanted to preface consideration of the ‘new normal’ that lies ahead with everything above. Especially the image. Because now might be time for an epiphany. To notice what you are realizing about your life, and life in general.

Because that is important. For reasons that are economic, health and personal choice related, we need to question what we want life to be after living through what might be one of the scariest, craziest, WORLDWIDE events we as humanity have ever experienced.

It is quite possible that you already realize the excesses of past choices – your own, or that we’ve made collectively as societies.

Considering that, it may not be the sort of normal you want to return to.

Possibly, you really want to get down to the essence of what’s truly important to you in making new choices. I have long said that “more, more, more” is not a strategy, because there will never be enough to fulfill it.

But I totally believe you can have everything important to you for work, lifestyle, your home, relationships, community involvements, adventures, and make a meaningful contribution that feels good. We know from research that contributing to the greater good IS also good for you.

All that may not look exactly like you think it will. It may be more a matter of how it feels, and what you want your experience of life to be. So be very clear on what is important to include. If it fulfills what you value and you are willing to do what it takes to get it, you CAN “have it all.”

That doesn’t have to be hard.

There are short cuts. (I want you to have those, too). If you have already gotten a copy of my free Masterful Life Redesign Roadmap guide, you know what the steps are. While they are not difficult to undertake, they do take time. And it is a lot easier to create this life of new normal if you don’t venture into that territory alone, lest you get stuck somewhere.

I invite you to check out my Masterful Life Redesign program, and set up a time to talk if now is a good time to start thinking (and designing and planning) what you want your new normal to look like.

I have some plans for a shorter introduction to the work, that can get you started quickly – and I’ll unveil that as soon as it is in place. More about that to come.

But if you are moved to consider what you really want work and life to look like going forward, don’t wait and just wonder. This is your one precious experience on the planet we are talking about.

The current worldwide pandemic that is shaking everything up right now will get resolved. Where will you be when that happens, and what will you be creating on the way there? Will you be where you are now still longing for something to change?

Or will you be on your way to building what you really want? Is it time to find yourself and really live life that life? Some thoughts on that from a literary master:

“Don’t you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you’re not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you’ve lived nearly half the time you have to live already?”
“Yes, every once in a while.”
“Do you know that in about thirty- five more years we’ll be dead?”
“What the hell, Robert,” I said. “What the hell.”
“I’m serious.”
“It’s one thing I don’t worry about,” I said.
“You ought to.”
“I’ve had plenty to worry about one time or other. I’m through worrying.”
“Well, I want to go to South America.”
“Listen, Robert, going to another country doesn’t make any difference. I’ve tried all that. You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. There’s nothing to that.”
“But you’ve never been to South America.”
“South America hell! If you went there the way you feel now it would be exactly the same. This is a good town. Why don’t you start living your life in Paris?”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

I encourage you to really live your life – right where you are or wherever it is you want to go. That includes interesting work you enjoy and are willing to immerse yourself in, that will enrich your life and help create a better world in the “new normal” that follows. Start now, in that power pose in the present moment to consider what you want that to be.


Oh, and I mentioned COVID-19 tips. That list got really long and rather full of important information. I decided to create a blog post, so I could collect it all in one place. Here’s the link << just click and it will take you to that article.

Please share it. There are people who need to know or be reminded what is compiled there. Hopefully not you, but there are some helpful resources. Compiling it was something I could DO, that might help save a life.

And stay well. Let me know if you want to talk. I am literally here – in place – and would be happy to chat with you. If you like, here’s my link to set that up.

Wishing you all the best for whatever comes next, whatever you choose for your work and life to be.

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