
Benefits of Private 1:1 Coaching

Listen to the great former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (1977–1981) explain the benefits of working with a professional coach: partnering to create change.

Individual Confidential Attention

Private coaching focuses solely on your personal and/or career and business goals, and desired outcomes. It is a highly confidential way to pursue matters you may not want to share publicly, or when you want to brainstorm and have a sounding board prior to sharing with others. Making changes at mid-career and later can go in so many different directions, and impact significant collegial and family relationships, creating confusion and hampering progress. Working privately can quickly address those issues so you can communicate clearly with the people important to you.

Customized Focus

Together we address the subjects most important to you, based on your unique set of circumstances.  In the years leading up to mid-career, many subjects outside a focus on work and family matters often get set aside.  So, we re-discover what is most important to you now, and what you want to accomplish for this time of life and beyond. Subjects might include (and are not limited to):

  • Defining an encompassing vision for what you want now (especially if you are not crystal clear on what that is now)
  • Designing a comprehensive life plan that incorporates everything important to you
  • Identifying the interests and skills you most prefer using in whatever you do next – whether inside or outside your current form of work
  • Exploring options for different directions for your work, or different ways to pursue it (full-time, part-time, in an organizational context or your own business, pursuing virtual work with a “laptop lifestyle,” serving on advisory boards, or even running for office…)
  • Health and fitness needs related to desired types and levels of preferred activities
  • Identifying financial needs to maintain or grow net worth, or determine income distribution from investments
  • Addressing estate planning, so you can set up and manage philanthropic interests
  • Determining other methods for making a bigger greater contribution in areas and ways you care about
  • Handling family support matters for maturing children or aging elders, and engaging family in your desired life or career changes
  • Finding the right financial and legal advisors, if needed
  • Incorporating what creates greater life satisfaction for you, such as

woman-1076255_1280*   Personal development, new areas of learning or spiritual practice

*  Taking on leadership activities with greater confidence

*  Developing new areas of interest (or those previously set-aside to focus on career)

*  Setting up more purposeful ways to spend time with friends

*  Designing meaningful leisure time with hobbies, recreation or travel

*  Determining residence needs and desires for a preferred lifestyle and workstyle

Results You Can Anticipate

In addition to accomplishment of tasks and goals, you may have many of the following experiences:

⇒  Discover what you really want based on your true values
⇒  End confusion, overwhelm and wastes of time and money (or devise ways to earn more or differently)
⇒  Stay focused on what’s important in your life
⇒  Develop meaningful direction
⇒  Move gracefully through fear and doubt, and trust your decisions
⇒  Identify and overcome barriers
⇒  Experience greater effectiveness and reduce stress
⇒  Improve communication skills and strengthen relationships
⇒  Gain self-confidence by taking effective and deliberate action
⇒  Live and work with more passion, purpose and satisfaction
⇒  Achieve breakthrough results, or whatever else your heart desires
⇒  Enjoy unconditional, honest and high integrity support for your personal best

And much more!  Check it out for yourself:

Schedule a complimentary New Directions Discovery consultation

Find out more. No obligation if you qualify. Discover your BEST next move forward!

When was the last time you gave thoughtful attention to designing and building
true fulfillment into your life, work and other involvements?!

The systematic process of the MASTERFUL LIFE Redesign program  can help you do that quickly and effectively.